Outdoor fans can be suitable for outdoor places that you want to cool. For instance, you may want to have a cooling experience in your porch, gazebo or outdoor barn. Outdoor fans are designed with UL listed ratings. UL listed or UL wet listed fans means the units can perform well in humid conditions. UL wet listed fans can withstand rain and still function well. When you are finding an outdoor fan, make sure that your fan is UL listed, otherwise it cannot handle the outdoor weathers.
Here are some of Harbor Breeze outdoor fans:
Henderson 72 inch
Cohort Garage Fan
Altissa Ceiling Fan
Harbor Breeze Henderson Outdoor Fan
Henderson fan by Harbor breeze come with a larger blade span of 72 inches, which is a large size. Mostly people use fans in their homes remain between 40 and 54 inches. So a 72 inch fan from any company is very huge. This is usually installed in larger rooms including large dining rooms, bowling alleys or gymnasiums. You may not want to use it unless your home is large with larger rooms. the fan is suitable for rooms that are more than 400 square feet or you can call it a great room.

The Frost White Light Kit contains a 20-watt integrated LED to illuminate your space. The Henderson fan has a damp rating, making it eligible for both indoor use and outdoor use, more importantly in covered areas like patios or porches.