Where to find Harbor Breeze Light Globes
Usually, when our visitors visit our website, they always ask where can we find Harbor Breeze light globes. The reason behind this problem is when you are trying to change a bulb and suddenly your light globe slips from your hand and fall and smashes on the floor. It may be very irritating for you but this happens, and we are no exception. The matter becomes more frustrating when you need to find a replacement light globe especially when looking for it online. Harbor Breeze has a lot of discontinued models that is the reason it is hard to find parts for those units too. In most cases, you are left with no choice other than contacting Lowe’s customer support to get a replacement globe.
Having said that, you can also find some generic light globes in the market that can be used for this purpose. There is a generic Harbor Breeze light globe with a part number of 0829258 available at Lowe’s, which you can install onto your fan. The cost of this part is more or less $50 when I am writing this. This can be a better option if you are not able to find the original light globe. The second option that can be used to find Harbor Breeze parts is E-Bay, it is helpful in cases when other options are failed. The parts may be available on sale and different vendors post them on the listings from time to time. They also have used parts which can save your money as well as prevent you from getting new parts.

This Harbor Breeze light globe has a part number 0829258 available at Lowe’s, and the listing shows that this unit will be compatible with most traditional style fans.
Part number 0829258 from Lowe’s work well with:
- Harbor Breeze Saratoga ceiling fan
- Can be used with Indoor and outdoor fans
- According to Lowe’s website, it is compatible with most traditional ceiling fans